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Welcome to our website

 The Blackley Appraisal Group, LLC is a Charlotte-based real estate valuation firm.  Our staff members hold Certified General and Certified Residential licenses. We specialize in the appraisal  of  residential, office, retail, and industrial real properties in both North and South Carolina. We also provide  appraisal reviews, expert witness testimony, arbitration, litigation support, financial analysis, feasibility, and  other real estate consulting services. 

 For attorneys and finance professionals we offer condemnation valuations, estate planning, tax abatement,  tax appeal, equitable distribution valuations, as well as expert witness testimony. Our valuation experts are  well  spoken, quick on their feet, and knowledgeable enough to navigate difficult courtroom situations.

 For lending institutions we offer valuations of commercial and residential properties. We can assist your  institution in making sound mortgage lending decisions and portfolio analysis. We are experienced in  determining liquidation values for pre-foreclosure properties. The Blackley Appraisal Group strives to stay  current with lending guidelines and ethics policies. As professional appraisers, USPAP is second nature to  us.  Our 12-year experience providing mortgage lending appraisals has enabled us to be well versed in GSE  and  FHA guidelines. Recent government involvement has dramatically changed the way lenders and  appraisers do  business. Both appraisers and lending institutions are required to stay in compliance. At your  request we will  provide consultation services during which we visit your office and familiarize your staff with  the ever-changing  rules and compliance guidelines.

 For the individual we offer an array of services including pre-listing valuations, pre-purchase valuations, tax  appeals, estate planning, and divorce appraisals. Our valuations are unbiased third party opinions. Our fees  are never contingent upon a predetermined outcome. Unlike realtors or loan professionals, our  compensation  is the same regardless of the outcome. Our goal is to assist clients in making decisions by  providing them  sound professional advice that is easily understood and pertinent to each individual  circumstance.




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